A Season of Listening

The Holy Spirit gave Jeff this word on March 23, 2020.

We wanted to share it with you as this message pertains to the whole Body of Christ.

Now is the time when everything we have considered important must be put to the side.

Now is the time when we must abide in the secret place of God.

In this place is where I long for My bride to be near and close to Me.

This is a season of precise instruction and direction of how to walk through the storm.

For there are other things that are soon to come and those who are not listening will place themselves in a very volatile way. 

Listen for My voice and you will make the right choices

Follow what I’m instructing you to do even when it seems like everything is strange.

For I am the same yesterday, today, and forever, and I change not.

This is a time of purging the Bride of Christ and a time of sacrifice. 

For those who will follow Me wholly, they shall see this is a time of great victory.

Great victories shall be won in the natural and in the spirit. 

Now is a time to sit and listen for clear instruction from the Spirit of God.

Only those who are listening shall understand the full measure of My plan.

Out of the ashes shall arise a Church with great power and might.

Those who have put on the whole armor of God and know how to fight.

Fight on their knees in prayer and with the Word of God.

Those who know the power of the blood of Jesus and the power of the name.

Many will say, “But Lord, You are to blame,” simply because the don’t know the power of My grace.

They have not sought My face.

Follow My directives in every area in the spirit and in the natural.

For this is a time when you must hear and know My voice.

Only those who are listening with complete understanding will walk forward in this cleansing time.

I am removing everything that I have found to be profane.

Things that have stopped my glory and my authority will suddenly be halted and now you will see the power of God manifest with great authority.

Those who will walk in humility before Me you will see they shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. 

In the stillness, In the quiet, and in the unhurriedness of life is where I will now be found. 

I’m looking for those who are looking for Me. 

I’m longing for those who are longing for Me.

Now it will not be in large crowds, as many have thought.

I’m going from house to house to see if I might find faith on the earth.

What about your house?

Will faith be found in your home?

Will you allow the Son of God to be Lord over all?

I’m looking and listening for those who will heed my call.

Homes are out of order and I must bring things back in line.

Many have used churches as a distraction from the disorder of the home.

I’m visiting each house in my own special way to bring correction, direction, and authority.

For those whose home is in order, they will see such great blessing in a time of loss.

They are the ones who have counted the cost.

For those who stop and listen for instruction, I will give the directives needed to bring the change to their homes.

Many will not heed My call and sadly, because of this, the entire home will fall.

Fall into trouble, panic and dismay, simply because they choose not to obey.

This is not a time of drawing back, but this a time of drawing near, near, near.

For by drawing near, this will remove any fear.

Know Me in this hour as never before and come inside the open door.

I’m standing at the door and knocking and asking for an answer.

Those who will open the door of their hearts unto Me will see in a brand-new way.

Those who fully surrender unto Me will walk in God’s divine way.

Draw near, draw near, Draw near all you who want to hear and I will show the sure and better way. 

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